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  • Writer's pictureAyeni Oluwapelumi

Week 10 - FMP Project (Pop Up Widgets)

Updated: Apr 25

What I accomplished this week?

During this week, I focused on tutorialization as there was not enough time to make a full tutorial level, decided to make some UI to give the players more information.

  • Pickup Widget: - I made a widget which displays when the player can interact with an item showing the name of the item and button to press.

  • Tutorial Popup System: - I made a widget that shows detailed information about the item when the player is within a detectable range.

  • Local pickup information popup: - I made a widget that shows summarised info of an item after the player picks it up.

  • Currency Widget: - I made a widget that displays the currency within the run. It shows when the value changes.

Evidence of tasks completed

Problems or risks that occurred

Yes, sometimes the side objectives do not show on the compass and i realised it was due to some execution order that are inconsistence. Still finding how to solve the issue permanently.


How I generally feel about this week( positives and key skills).

There was a lot to do this week to get the beta ready. The beta was playable and shared to the play testers. 

Key programming Skills - UI, Gameplay, Networking


Self assessment rating (1 to 10)

9 → I put in a lot of hours this week to get the UI Widget task completed and ready for the beta.

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1 Comment

Rastle Fanboy
Rastle Fanboy
Apr 23

mmmm sniffle

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