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  • Writer's pictureAyeni Oluwapelumi

Week 8 - FMP Project (Modular Side Objectives)

Updated: Apr 25

What I accomplished this week?

During this week, I focused on the

  • Destructible System: - I made a modular destructible system to add more juice to the gameplay, this was easy using unreal’s inbuilt system.

  • POI Manager: - The game maps are quite large, and each map is made up of multiple points of interests. I made a system to make each point of interest store it data and make the player aware of them.

  • Modular Side Objectives: - To make the game more fun and engaging, I made a modular side objective system to give the players more thing to do and earn extra rewards.

  • Session Event Updates: - I made a system to send an update to every player, so they are notified in a UI pop up.

Evidence of tasks completed

Problems or risks that occurred

I can across an issue where the side objectives were not working on the clients, after some research, I found out I just needed to make the actors always reliable.

How I generally feel about this week( positives and key skills).

I really enjoyed my tasks this week, I think part of the reason is being more familiar with the multiplayer workflow.

Key programming Skills - Q/A, Networking , Gameplay


Self assessment rating (1 to 10)

10 → I put in a lot of hours this week to get all my task completed in time, also had time to polish and fixes.

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