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  • Writer's pictureAyeni Oluwapelumi

Week 2 - FMP Project (Prototyping Mechanics)

Updated: Apr 25

What I accomplished this week?

During this week, I focused on systems that was needed for the prototype.

  • Network Timer System: - I made a timer system to controller from the server but works for all players in the games. It works for countdown before certain events and used to track how long they can spend in the runs.

  • Prototype Bounty Tracking System: - This is a core system in the game so had to be one of the first system developed. I made a system to allow players use the lantern to track down the bounty enemy.

  • Prototype Spectate System: - I made a basic spectating system which allow players to still be enjoy the game experience when they are dead.

  • Prototype Item Switching and storage system: - I made a system for picking up and storing items which is also replicated between all players.

Evidence of tasks completed

Problems or risks that occurred

Multiplayer replication was not working well and got really frustrating.


How I generally feel about this week( positives and key skills).

I did more research and took more courses to better understand the basics. I was able to fix most of the problems and I feel i am getting better at it. Key Skills - Gameplay / Networking programming


Self assessment rating (1 to 10)

9 → I challenged myself this week to replicates the game systems and I got them to work well. We now have a game loop.

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