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  • Writer's pictureAyeni Oluwapelumi

Week 3 - FMP Project (Interaction System, Bounty System)

Updated: Apr 25

What I accomplished this week?

During this week, I focused on implementing the full bounty system as it had multiple subsystems such as handling which map to load, bounty to spawn and rewards to give when they escape from the run, voting on board and exit area.


Full Bounty System: - I implemented the full bounty system allowing players to vote for a random map, bounty and allowing the host to initiate the exit area. The bounty enemy is also spawned in the game map.

Evidence of tasks completed

Problems or risks that occurred

The board breaks sometimes when the player comes back to the lobby, players that have voted break the board when they leave the session.


How I generally feel about this week( positives, negatives, and key skills).

Was able to fix most of the issues.

Key programming Skills - Gameplay / Networking / QA


Self assessment rating (1 to 10)

9 → The systems i worked on this week was complicated to do with the networking especially the voting system, I even thought i would not be able to do it at first but made it work eventually.


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