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  • Writer's pictureAyeni Oluwapelumi

Week 6 - FMP Project (Enemy Spawning, Lantern System)

Updated: Apr 25

What I accomplished this week?

During this week, I focused on

  • Player Steam Name Overhead: - I made the steam name of players to show above their head.

  • Snare Trap: - I implemented a trap that captures the player and drains their health for a duration of time.

  • Enemy Spawning System: - I implemented a dynamic spawning system for the enemies. Every player has an invisible box that follows them around and spawns set enemies at a distance, this keeps the combat going and keeps the map less empty.

  • Lantern Tracking System: - I implemented the tracking system on the lantern so it can be used to track down the bounty, the tracking gets more accurate depending on the amount of fuel in the lantern and if the player holding it is facing the direction of the bounty.

Evidence of tasks completed

Problems or risks that occurred

Yes, had the enemy spawning system revised multiple times. Was able to get it done in the eventually.

Enemy spawning system was revised multiple times, but I was able to get it done in the eventually.


How I generally feel about this week( positives and key skills).

A lot of work this week and the game is beginning to look better and gradually having an identity.

I am getting better in networking and was able to compete the steam name overhead, it was a simple task but got complicated until I found out about using the “player state”.


The lantern tracking implementation looked complicated to complete at first but using my math knowledge, I was able to use dot product, angles etc. to make it work effectively.

Key Skills - 3D Math for Games / Networking programming


Self assessment rating (1 to 10)

9 → I put in a lot of hours this week to get my task completed, wasn't able to complete all but made massive progress.

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